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Automatized Magnetic Tweezers

January 15, 2025

During 2024 we have been working in the i on the implementation of a new force spectrometer for the lab. Based on a previous Magnetic Tweezers design, originally made by Julio Fernámdez (Colimbia Univ) and Rafael Tapia Rojo (King's College London), we modified it to generate a low-cost 3D printed force spectrometer. In this first iteration, me design and built an force spectrometer equipped with permanent magnets and manual control stage. The instrument is fully operative, and available to conducting single cell and molecule experiments. See below for more details.


(updated on January 15, 2025)


The operation of the MT can be laborious. Find the right bead could be hard and sometimes tiringing. Moreover, some bead can be tethered to more than one molecule. For offer a solution for this, we are working in the implementation of automatic MT, which will be equipped with a motorization through XY stepper motors and a Python software for bead detection.


The members of the lab are working to get a fully functional version in the first semester of 2025. This work is lead by Vicente Ladrix, student of the BSc in Biotechnology.


Preliminary data for calibrating the microscope is focused in DNA elasticity, which provide us a good fingerprint for identifying single molecule tethered beads.


Are you interested to pull your favorite DNA? Do want to measure transcription factors or other molecules to specific DNA sequences?  Write to us and let us know your idea.




Rivas Pardo Lab

+56 2 2328 1398


Camino la Pirámide 5750, Huechuraba,

Santiago, Chile, 8580745

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