+56 2 2328 1303
Mechano-Biology Group
Our Motivation: To Determine How Mechanical Forces Modulate Molecular Processes

Aug 15, 2020
One of the first step during the colonization of surfaces is the adhesion. Bacteria use multiple strategies to adhere on cells, including sophisticated mechanisms based on surfaced proteins called adhesins or pili proteins. In the lab we pursue a comparative study of genes involved in the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria, aiming to determine how structural novelties on this family of proteins render a more success strategy for adhesion (PNAS 2018; 115: 9222)

Sep 8, 2020
Muscle sarcomere is made of three main filaments: actin, myosin, and titin. Whereas the first two are involved with the generation of contractile work, titin has been historically related to the passive elasticity and proper organization of the molecular component within the muscle. Nevertheless, along the last years new findings have proposed a complete different function for this giant of the muscle. In the lab we are focus to determine how titin could contribute to the shortening of muscles (Nature Comm; 2020; 11: 2060)

Aug 20, 2020
Cell are able to respond to multiple signals, including electrical, chemical, and mechanical. Cells can couple their cytoskeleton through a serie of molecular adaptors, from a sensor in surface to a mechanical-transducer that transmits the mechanical effort to the cytoskeleton. In the lab we started a collaborative project with Prof Ken Irvine and Dr Consuelo Ibar, Rutger Univ, to determine the role of Ajuba and LMD1 in the dynamics of the cytoskeleton force transducer alpha/beta-catenin.

Aug 20, 2020
In the lab we have started a new project that aim to develop tools for the immobilization and polymerization of proteins on surfaces. Based on molecular biology and surface chemistry we have designed a platform for the easy oriented cloning of proteins and immobilization on surfaces and bacteria. Currently, we are working in the design  mechanics-ready bacteria, which we are planing to have finish before the end of the year. Coming soon!

July 28, 2023
Due to many of our biological questions require ad-hoc instrumentation, we are highly motivated with the development of new instrumentation. Along this years, we have had the collaboration and help from extraordinary People at Fernandez's Lab (Columbia Univ), Melo's Lab (USaCh) and recently from our collaborator Rafael Tapia Rojo at KCL.
Furthermore, together with building instruments we have learn how to design and make lab devices, many of them belonging to the Open-Science Initiatives. Based on 3D printing, machine shop and Arduino, we have built several instruments for our lab, collaborators, and friends.
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